Are You?

I am from a small
town. Where the community members will
rally and cheer you on to victory every game night. The community is very much involved in High
school sports and loves to go to each team’s games whether they are away or on
home turf. I am from a town where small
businesses thrive and are growing.
Farmers are joined at the hip with the local cooperative. My town supports people like me who want to
achieve small things and go on to live big lives. I am from a town of about 4,225 people. People know each other and care about what is
going on in their lives.
Where am I from? I am from a loving family. A family that is
easy to forgive and forget. A family
that will help you when you need it, but will also let you figure out problems
by yourself. I am from a family that
will support me in anything I plan to do with my life. They will be my crutch or band-aid when I
fall down. However they won’t just let
me lay there and get stepped on by people walking by. No, they are the family that will pick me up,
dust off my back side and get me going the winding and twisting trail better
known as life.
I am from the middle
of nowhere…literally. I am from the
country, I always have lived out there.
Being from the country is like living in a totally different world. Out here it is open and peaceful. It’s not crazy and loud. Most days you can hear either one of two
things, a song or the wind blowing. I am
from clean air and bright stars. Where
on a clear night you can see the faint dusting of the Milky Way. I am from a home where your closest neighbor
is about one mile away if you’re lucky.
Where my backyard ends where the neighbors fence begins. I am from a house of green doors and old barn buildings. I am from where no one really puts up X-mas
lights because no one comes around to admire them. The people who do put up their lights are the
brave ones because they have to climb up to their high roofs. I am from a neighborhood of farmers. We work the land and raise crops for a
living. I am also from cattle
raisers. No one better understands
cattle than us.
I am proud of where I
come from and I wouldn’t want to change any of it. Where I have come from has made me the person
I am today. If I were to change any
place that I have come from I would be a different person. The places I will go in my future will also
shape me as a person too.